Center for Academic Writing “Impulse”

Writing is the best way to talk without being interrupted.
Jules Renard

Writing is thinking on paper.
William Zinsser

When writing about science, don't simplify the science; simplify the writing.
Julie Ann Miller, former editor of ‘Science News’

Writing is a lot easier if you have something to say.
Sholem Asch
The reason one writes isn't the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Good writing is clear thinking made visible.
Bill Wheeler

A man who is ignorant of foreign languages is also ignorant of his own language.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Only the educated are free.

One`s work may be finished someday, but one`s education never.
Alexandre Dumas

What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.
Joseph Addison

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.
Upcoming events

Would you like to craft a compelling academic bio? Join our workshop! 

You will learn how to:

  • Select essential information for your bio;

  • Structure your bio appropriately;

  • Make your bio compelling for the reader.

Date and time: May 21.17.30-19.00

Venue: Yandex Telemost 

Develop consistency in your research writing at the workshops in March 

You will learn how to: 

  • express your ideas coherently in a research paper;

  • choose an appropriate writing style;

  • use key words and terminology appropriately;

  • check the flow of ideas while using AI tools.

Dates and time: 

March 14,   18.30-20.00 – Workshop 1

March 21,   18.30-20.00 –  Workshop 2

Venue: Yandex Telemost 

Enjoy your research writing process with the Writing Group!

Writing Group aims at providing mutual support in the challenging process of preparing a research article. Encouragement & interest in your work may be inspiring and helpful.

Joining Writing Group with “Impulse” is a great way to:

  • spark your creativity

  • make time for writing in your busy schedule

  • discuss some writing strategies and techniques

  • get feedback from group members

  • feel support and help while working on your research article

The first meeting is on January 24, 16.00-17.30 

Venue: Yandex Telemost 

How to apply?  

Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute via e-mail:

Write the Email Subject Line: Writing Group

Deadline: January 23 

Join “Impulse” workshops “Visual presentation of data: tables and figures” in November 2023 

You will learn how to: 

  • describe tables and figures

  • use appropriate language patterns

  • select the most representative data and integrate them into the text 

Dates and time: 

November 23,   16.00-17.30 – Workshop 1

November 30,   16.00-17.30 – Workshop 2

Venue: Yandex Telemost 

Join the course “Preparing a research paper: Machine translation and further editing” 

You will learn how to:

  • prepare your research paper in Russian to translate it into English via Google Translate and other resources

  • edit the manuscript after machine translation

  • avoid typical mistakes when using machine translation

Couse duration: 8 academic hours (4 workshops)

The first meeting is on October 11, 16.00-17.30 

Venue: Yandex Telemost 

How to apply for the course?  

  • Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ email address via e-mail:

  • Write the Email Subject Line: Курс_октябрь_2023

  • Deadline: October 8 

If you are a new employee of the University of Tyumen, join our online meeting "Collaboration with "Impulse" 

Date and time: September 19, 17.00 - 18.00

Venue: Microsoft Teams

How to apply for the meeting?  

• Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ email address via e-mail:

• Write the Email Subject Line:online meeting

• Deadline: September 18

Practice using verb forms in scientific writing during April workshops

April 6,   16.00-17.30. Verb tenses in scientific writing

April 13, 16.00-17.30. Active or Passive Voice? 

April 20, 16.00-17.30. Reporting verbs 

Venue: Microsoft Teams

How to apply for the course?  

• Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ email address via e-mail:

• Write the Email Subject Line: Семинары_апрель

• Deadline: April 5 

Join the workshops “Abstract: How to find a balance between an accurate translation and an elegant style”

You will learn how to: 

  • prepare an abstract in Russian to translate it in English

  • edit the abstract after the translation, maintaining translation accuracy

  • apply various techniques to make the style elegant

  • avoid typical translation mistakes

Dates and time: 

February 9,   18.00-19.30 – Workshop 1

February 15, 18.00-19.30 – Workshop 2

Venue: Microsoft Teams

How to apply for the course?  

• Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ email address via e-mail:

• Write the Email Subject Line: Семинары_февраль

• Deadline: February 8 

Join “Impulse” workshops “Visual presentation of data: tables and figures” in December 2022

You will learn how to: 

• describe tables and figures

• use appropriate language for description

• select the most representative data and integrate them into the text 

Dates and time: 

December 6,   18.00-19.30 – Workshop 1

December 13, 18.00-19.30 – Workshop 2

Venue: Microsoft Teams

How to apply for the course?  

• Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ email address via e-mail:

• Write the Email Subject Line: Семинар_декабрь 

• Deadline: December 5 

Join the course “Preparing a research paper: Machine translation and further editing.” 

You will learn how to:

  • prepare your research paper in Russian to translate it into English via Google Translate and other resources

  • edit the manuscript after machine translation

  • avoid typical mistakes when using machine translation

Couse duration: 16 academic hours (8 workshops)

The course is held on Wednesdays, 16.00-17.30 

The first meeting is on October 12

How to apply for the course?  

  • Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ email address via e-mail:

  • Write the Email Subject Line: Курс_перевод 

  • Deadline: October 10 

Join the Academic Discussion Club in September!

The Academic Discussion Club (ADC) is a welcoming space for the university postgraduates, faculty, and researchers to discuss topical issues, discoveries, and trends of the modern scientific world. 

Topic: “The Russian Sonderweg: pro et contra”

Talking points: 

  • Russia as a unique culture: what are the foundation of the Russian identity (language, culture, religion, tradition)? 

  • Westernizers and Slavophiles in Russian history and the consequences of their controversy. 

  • Eurasianism as the most popular conception of the Russian Sonderweg. 

  • Modernization or westernization? Catch up with the West or make Russia modern, but unique country? 

  • The ideal of human in the West and the Russian cultures: similarities and differences. 

  • Universal values as a unifying principle: is a globalization the utopia?

Recommended reading: 

1. The Russian Sonderweg: A Course of Endless Exclusion by Joan L. Rohlfing (2013). 

2. AYN RAND’S ANTHROPOLOGICAL UTOPIA: THE INTERACTION OF RUSSIAN AND AMERICAN TRADITION by A. Grigorovskaya (pp. 13-15 The National Specify of the Utopian Human Model in Russian and American Literary-Philosophical Tradition).  

Moderator: Anastasiya Grigorovskaya, Doctor in Philology, Tyumen State University. In the April-June 2022 Anastasiya was the scholarship holder of The Center for Modernization Studies in European University (Saint-Petersburg) and took part in the events connected with the problems of Russian identity and the ways of Russian modernization.  

Date: September 28, 2022

Time: 17.30-19.00

Venue: 23 Lenina Street   Room 209

To participate in the meeting, please send your application with your name/position/university unit or institute/email address via email:

Write the Email Subject Line: ADC

Registration is mandatory.

Deadline: September 26

Welcome to the online meetup “Opportunities for collaboration with “Impulse”!

You are going to:

  • Learn about “Impulse” activities during the year

  • Ask questions about the “Center”

  • Suggest some ideas for fruitful collaboration

Date: September 14, 2022

Time: 17.00-18.00

Venue: Microsoft Teams

To participate in the meeting, please send your application with your name/position/university unit or institute/email address via email:

Deadline: September 13

Join the Academic Discussion Club in March!

The Academic Discussion Club (ADC) is a welcoming space for the university postgraduates, faculty, and researchers to discuss topical issues, discoveries, and trends of the modern scientific world. 

Topic: “Science vs Pseudoscience”

Talking points: 

  • The difference between science and pseudoscience.

  • Examples of pseudoscience.

  • Possible negative effects of pseudoscience. 

Recommended reading: 

  • Beyerstein, B. L., Distinguishing science from pseudoscience. Victoria, B.C.: The Centre for Curriculum and Professional Development. 1995.

  • Lee C. M, Hunsley J., Evidence-based practice: separating science from pseudoscience. Can J Psychiatry.;60(12):534–540, 2015.

Moderator: Alexander Beknazaryan, Researcher at X-BIO. He studied at Cambridge University & University of Mississippi. He was Postdoctoral Fellow at Laurentian University (2019-2020) and at  University of Twente (2020-2021). His scientific interests include neural networks and their applications in statistics.

Date: March 23, 2022

Time: 16.00-17.30

Venue: 23 Lenina Street   Room 209

To participate in the meeting, please send your application with your name/position/university unit or institute/email address via email:

Write the Email Subject Line: ADC

Registration is mandatory.

Deadline: March 21

The third workshop in the series “A Good Beginning Makes a Good Ending: Starting a Research Paper” takes place on March 9, 2022, from 16.00 to 17.30 via Microsoft Teams Platform.

The participants of the workshop are going to discuss a research paper structure and a purpose statement.

Send your application to until March 7, 2022.

Contact: Nadezhda Zhuravleva, Deputy Director

The second workshop in the series “A Good Beginning Makes a Good Ending: Starting a Research Paper” is held on February 21, 2022, from 16.00 to 17.30 via Microsoft Teams Platform. 

The workshop will present a discussion on some tips for successful publication, with special focus on studying journal guidelines. 

Invited speakers:
  • Elena O. Arbatskaya, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Olga V. Zakharova, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, Institute of State and Law

You have to send your application to until January 17, 2022. 
Contact: Nadezhda Zhuravleva, Deputy Director

Join a series of workshops “A Good Beginning Makes a Good Ending: Starting a Research Paper”!

The workshops cover the topics offered by the respondents of the survey “Collaboration with CAWI,” which was conducted in December 2021.

The first workshop entitled “Preparing a Research Paper: Journal Selection. Creating an Action Plan” is held on February 3, 2022, from 16.00 to 17.30

Venue: 23 Lenina str., Office 209. 

Send your application to until January 28, 2022. 

Contact: Nadezhda Zhuravleva, Deputy Director

Apply for one-on-one consultations with our Center!

A consultation is a meeting between a trainer and a researcher on specific aspects of research writing that should be improved. The Center provides scaffolding not only on paper structure and writing conventions but also on developing an individual action plan and overcoming writer’s block at any stage of writing.
Consultations can be offline or online. 

To apply for a consultation, send the following information to
  • Your name/position/ institute/ e-mail/ research topic
  • The title of the selected journal
  • Submission guidelines from the selected journal (the link or an attached file)
  • The purpose of the consultation 
  • Your paper draft 

Send your application no later than 48 hours before the meeting.

Join Writers’ Group in November 2021!

Writers' Group aims at providing mutual support in the challenging process of preparing a research article. Sometimes encouragement & the knowledge that other people are interested in your work can be inspiring and helpful.

Joining Writers ’Group with “Impulse” is a great way to:
  • spark your creativity
  • make time for writing in your busy schedule
  • discuss some writing strategies and techniques
  • get feedback from group members
  • feel support and help while working on your research article

Candidates should have:
  • English Language Level – minimum: B1
  • Research ready to be published

The first meeting: November 25
Time: to be confirmed
Venue: Zoom
Moderator: Valeria Evdash

How to apply for the course?  
Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/ email address via email:
Write the Email Subject Line: Writers’ Group
Deadline: November 23

Join “Strategies for Paragraph Development (SPD)” Course in April 2021! 
Would you like to improve your scientific writing skills in English?

Learning Outcomes: 
By the end of the course, you will be able to write a well-developed paragraph. 

  • Paragraph Development
  • Language Flow 
  • Sentence Writing Strategies

Dates: April 5 – June 5, 2021
Online course (synchronous vs asynchronous learning) is 72 ac/h 
Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate. 
The first synchronous class: April 13 (Tuesday), from 17.00 to 18.30

Candidates should have:
  • English Language Level: Pre-Intermediate + 

How to apply for the course?
Send your application  with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/ email address) via email:   
Write the Email Subject Line: SPD

Deadline: April 1st

Join Summer Writers’ Group in July 2020!

Writers' Group aims at providing mutual support in the challenging process of preparing a research article. Sometimes encouragement & the knowledge that other people are interested in your work can be inspiring and helpful.

Joining Writers ’Group with “Impulse” is a great way to:
  • spark your creativity
  • make time for writing in your busy schedule
  • discuss some writing strategies and techniques
  • get feedback from group members
  • feel support and help while working on your research article

Candidates should have:
English Language Level – minimum: B1
• Research ready to be published

The first meeting: July 15
Time: 17.00-18.00
Venue: Zoom
Moderator: Valeria Evdash

How to apply for the course?  
Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/ email address via e-mail:
Write the Email Subject Line: Summer Writers’ Group
Deadline: July 14

Join us for Online Writing Meetup on July 9, 2020!

Online Writing Meetup is a meeting for those who would like to take up writing, to share ideas, & to be inspired. There will be lots of writing.
This event is only for the UTMN faculty & staff.  

Time: 17.00-18.30 
Venue: Zoom platform

If you are attending, please register through this link. Registration deadline - July 8.
Registration is mandatory.

Join the Online Course from your home in April 2020!

Would you like to unlock some new skills during the lockdown?

Join the online course “Paraphrasing in Academic Writing!"

Dates: April 06 - April 19, 2020
The online course: 24 academic hours
The course is delivered through synchronous and asynchronous learning.

How to apply for the course?  
• Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/ email address via e-mail:
• Write the Email Subject Line: PAW
Deadline: April 02

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate.

Join Writers’ Group in January 2020!

Writers' Group aims at providing mutual support in a challenging process of preparing a research article. Sometimes encouragement & the knowledge that other people are interested in your work can be inspiring and helpful.

Joining Writers ’Group with “Impulse” is a great way to:

  • spark your creativity
  • make time for writing in your busy schedule
  • discuss some writing strategies and techniques
  • get feedback from group members
  • feel support and help while working on your research article

Candidates should have:
  • English Language Level – minimum: B1
  • Research ready to be published

The first meeting: January 30
Time: 17.00-19.00
Venue: 23 Lenina Street Office 209
Moderator: David Dusseault, professor at SAS

How to apply for the course?  

  • Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/ email address via e-mail:
  • Write the Email Subject Line: Writers’ Group
Deadline: January 28

Join the Gaming Meetup in January!

The participants of December Gaming Meetup were so enthusiastic about the game so we decided to establish a new tradition of having a gaming meetup on a regular basis.

If you want to boost your vocabulary, test your paraphrasing skill, and have fun, come & play Taboo.  It is an exciting board game that challenges players to guess words and phrases.  The aim of the game is to describe a word without using certain words.

Moderator: Yana Smagina, EFL teacher

Date: January 23, 2020 

Time: 17.00-19.00

Venue: 23 Lenina Street   Room 209

To participate in the meeting, please send your application with your name/position/university unit or institute/email address via email:

Write the Email Subject Line: 23.01.20

Registration is mandatory.

Join the Gaming Meetup in December!

The participants of December Gaming Meetup will play taboo & boost their vocabulary. 

Taboo is an exciting board game that challenges players to guess words and phrases.  The aim of the game is to describe a word without using certain words. 

Come & have fun! 

Moderator: Yana Smagina, EFL teacher

Date: December 19, 2019 

Time: 18.00-20.00

Venue: 23 Lenina Street   Room 209

To participate in the meeting, please send your application with your name/position/university unit or institute/email address via email:

Write the Email Subject Line: 19.12.19

Registration is mandatory.

Deadline: December 16


Join us for the workshop for university faculty & researchers on December 11, 2019!

Topic: Creating Coherence & Cohesion in Academic Writing 

Time: 17.00-19.00 

Venue: 23 Lenina Street    Room 100

Trainer: Valeria Evdash


This workshop will present some tips on how to make your writing logical, united and easy for the reader to follow. To maintain the flow of your writing, your text should have two essential characteristics of good writing. They are coherence and cohesion. Coherence refers to the “rhetorical” aspects of your writing, while cohesion focuses on grammatical aspects of your writing. During the workshop, participants will be engaged in hands-on activities.

To attend the workshop, please send your application with your name/ position/university unit or institute/ e-mail address via e-mail: 

Write the Email Subject Line: 11.12.19

Join the Academic Discussion Club in November!

The Academic Discussion Club (ADC) is a welcoming space for the university postgraduates, faculty, and researchers to discuss topical issues, discoveries, and trends of the modern scientific world. 

Topic: “Precautionary principle in environmental decision-making”


The precautionary principle is an approach in decision-making on issues considered uncertain and, therefore, in situations when the risk is involved. We will talk about this principle on an example of two environmental issues: DDT (insecticide) and nuclear energy hazards. The issue of DDT is an example of the situation when necessary actions that were not taken early enough led to some environmental problems. Nuclear Energy issue in the light of the Chernobyl and Fukushima catastrophes is still under public consideration. 

Moderator: Anastasiia Vasiullina, engineer-researcher of International Complex Research Laboratory for Study of Climate Change, Land Use and Biodiversity, X-BIO. She studied at the geography faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University and master program Environmental Management in Kiel University, Germany, as well as Environmental Engineering in Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, France. Her scientific interests are paleopedology, geoarchaeology, and geoecology.

Date: November 20, 2019 

Time: 18.00-20.00

Venue: 23 Lenina Street   Room 209

To participate in the meeting, please send your application with your name/position/university unit or institute/email address via email:

Write the Email Subject Line: ADC

Registration is mandatory.

Registered participants will get some study materials prior to the session.

Deadline: November 19

Join “Writing a Research Paper” Course in October 2019! 

Would you like to prepare a draft of a scientific article for an international journal?

The blended course: 72 academic hours

Dates: October 21 - December 23, 2019

F2F classes: every Tuesday from 18.00 to 20.00

Venue: 23 Lenina Street Office 209

Candidates should have:

• English Language Level – minimum: B1

• Research ready to be published

• Three articles from the selected journal you wish to get published in

How to apply for the course?   

• Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/ phone No/ e-mail address via e-mail: 

• Write the Email Subject Line: WRP

Deadline: October 15

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate. 

Join us for the workshops "How to Write a Successful Grant Proposal" in August 2019!

The purpose of the workshops: to refine a draft of your grant proposal for the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)

Dates: August 28 - 29, 2019

Time: 17.00-20.00 

Venue: to be confirmed 

To participate in the workshops, a draft proposal is mandatory.


• Proposal structure

• Typical mistakes

• Title & Abstract

• Evaluation criteria 


  • Valeria Evdash, Center for Academic Writing "Impulse"

  • Andrei Lymar,  Department of research analytics & international rankings 

  • Alexander Sorokin, Department of Russian History, the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities

How to apply for the course?   

• Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/e-mail address  via e-mail: 

Write the Email Subject Line: Заявка на грант 

Deadline: August 25

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate. 

Join us for the Science Communication Seminars with Michael Brody in July 2019!

  Dr. Michael Brody is currently a Fulbright Short Term Specialist at the University of Tyumen, in Russia for about 6 weeks during the summer of 2019.

 Dr. Michael Brody is an environmental scientist who since 2012 has been teaching in the Department of Environmental Science at the American University in Washington DC USA.  He was a Fulbright Teaching Scholar at the National University of Uzbekistan in Tashkent from late August 2017 to the end of January 2018.  He was placed in the Ecology section of the Biology Faculty, where he lectured on climate change and its effects, and on pollution and health.  He went to the American University of Central Asia in Bishkek for the summer of 2018.

 Dr. Brody had a long career in the Federal Government before coming to American University. He started his career in wetlands research and modeling with the US Fish and Wildlife Service. He then had 20+ years of scientific leadership with the US Environmental Protection Agency. He carried out numerous projects in environmental policy & risk assessment, climate change, technology outlooks & impacts, strategic planning, and international environmental capacity building. His 20 years of international scientific projects with the EPA took him to 17 countries, with a focus on the former Soviet Union, especially Russia and Ukraine, & Africa. His work in Central Asia began in Kazakhstan in 2011 as a Visiting Professor at the Kazakh National Medical University and then at the Kazakh National Agrarian University.  He has published papers on air quality and health in Kazakhstan.  He began visiting Uzbekistan in 2014. Dr. Brody has ongoing collaborations with colleagues in Tashkent and in Bishkek in climate change and water policy and air pollution and health.  Some of his current interests include studies of policies in Uzbekistan that discourage the adoption of drip irrigation in cotton agriculture.  He also consults for the World Bank in Washington DC.

The first seminar: July 16, 2019 

Time: 14.00-16.00

Venue: 23 Lenina Street   Room 209

The schedule of the seminars will be discussed during the first meeting. 

The overall scientific context of the seminars includes:

• Understanding of global, regional and national environmental issues

• Understanding of the inter-disciplinary approach to environmental science

Small group discussions in English of any journal articles, environmental reports, or even articles about environmental issues in mass-media articles that we would read as a group.

To participate in the meeting, please send your application with your name/position/university unit or institute/email address via email:

Write the Email Subject Line: 16.07.19

Registration is mandatory.

Join us for Writing Meetup on July 3-4, 2019!

Writing Meetup is a meeting for those who would like to take up writing, to share ideas, & to be inspired. There will be lots of writing. 

Time: 10.00-14.00 

Venue: 23 Lenina Street, Office 209

To participate in the meeting, please send your application with your name/ position/university unit or institute/ e-mail address via e-mail: 

Write the Email Subject Line: Writing Meetup

Join us for the workshop with Springer Nature on June 25, 2019!

Springer Nature is a global publisher dedicated to providing the best possible service to the whole research community. More than 3,000 journals and over 9,000 books are published annually. Today, Springer Nature publishes more than half of all Russian publications in international journals.

Time: 15.00-19.00 

Venue: 18 Semakova Street, the Library and Museum Complex, Governor’s Hall


1. Daria Iovcheva, Senior Licensing Manager, Springer Nature (Russia/Ukraine/Belarus/Georgia)

Topic: How to get published in international research journals 

2. Andrei Lymar, Director, UT Department of research analytics & international rankings 

Topic: Indicators for research journal evaluation

3. Valeria Evdash, UT Center for Academic Writing "Impulse"

Topic: Strategies for writing an abstract

To attend the workshop, please send your application with your name/ position/university unit or institute/ e-mail address via e-mail: 

Write the Email Subject Line: 25.06.19

 Join the Academic Discussion Club in April!

The Academic Discussion Club (ADC) is a welcoming space for the university postgraduates, faculty, and researchers to discuss topical issues, discoveries, and trends of the modern scientific world. Club meetings are held every month.

Topic in April: “Climate Change: Reality or Exaggeration?”

Moderator: Nina Nesterova, a junior researcher at the lab of polar and subpolar geosystems at the sector "Cryolitogenic, biological, energetic and informational resources of Arctic", X-BIO.

Nina graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Lomonosov Moscow State University (faculty of geography, department of World Physical Geography and Geoecology). She graduated with a master’s degree from Lund University, Sweden (the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science at the faculty of Science). She has always been interested in the Arctic region from different aspects of physical geography, now her interests are more focused on permafrost landscapes and remote methods of permafrost research.

Date: April 24, 2019 

Time: 18.00-20.00

Venue: 23 Lenina Street   Room 209

To participate in the meeting, please send your application with your name/position/university unit or institute/email address via email:

Write the Email Subject Line: ADC April

Registration is mandatory. Registered participants will get some study materials prior to the session.

Deadline: April 22

Join us for the workshop for university EFL teachers on April 23, 2019!

Topic: Critical Thinking and Academic Writing: How They Enhance Each Other

Time: 15.30-19.00 

Venue: 25 Lenina Street    Room 304

Trainer: Nancy Burkhalter, Seattle University, USA

For over 20 years, Nancy Burkhalter has taught writing and study strategies to undergraduates and graduates in Russia, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Kazakhstan, and the U.S. She specializes in teaching critical thinking, especially analytical and persuasive writing. She earned a B.A. in linguistics and foreign language teaching (French and Russian), a master’s in English education, a second master’s in journalism, and the doctorate in applied linguistics. Teachers have been very important in Nancy’s life, and she is honored to be a part of her own students’ education. Along with learning languages, she enjoys writing fiction and recently finished a historical novel about Frederic Chopin set in revolutionary France.

To attend the workshop, please send your application with your name/ position/university unit or institute/ e-mail address via e-mail: 

Write the Email Subject Line: 23.04.19

Join us for the workshop for university faculty & researchers on April 22, 2019!

Topic: How to Submit a Polished Journal Article: Grammar, Literature Review, Research, Choosing a journal

Time: 15.30-19.00 

Venue: 25 Lenina Street    Room 304

Trainer: Nancy Burkhalter, Seattle University, USA

For over 20 years, Nancy Burkhalter has taught writing and study strategies to undergraduates and graduates in Russia, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Kazakhstan, and the U.S. She specializes in teaching critical thinking, especially analytical and persuasive writing. She earned a B.A. in linguistics and foreign language teaching (French and Russian), a master’s in English education, a second master’s in journalism, and the doctorate in applied linguistics. Teachers have been very important in Nancy’s life, and she is honored to be a part of her own students’ education. Along with learning languages, she enjoys writing fiction and recently finished a historical novel about Frederic Chopin set in revolutionary France.

To attend the workshop, please send your application with your name/ position/university unit or institute/ e-mail address via e-mail: 

Write the Email Subject Line: 22.04.19

Join us for a lively discussion with Elena Arbatskaya on March 20, 2019!

The Academic Discussion Club (ADC) is a welcoming space for the university postgraduates, faculty, and researchers to discuss topical issues, discoveries, and trends of the modern scientific world. Club meetings are held every month. 

Date: March 20 

Time: 18.00-20.00 

Venue: 23 Lenina Street   Room 209

Moderator: Elena Arbatskaya, Institute of Social Sciences & Humanities

Tyumen State University

The theme of the discussion: Feminism: National, Academic and Media Dimensions 

Talking points: 

• Global and Russian Feminism  

• Feminism in the Digital World

• Feminism in Academia

To participate in the meeting, please send your application with your name/ position/university unit or institute/ e-mail address via e-mail:   

Write the Email Subject Line: ADC March

Registration is mandatory.

Join “Doing Publishable Research (DPR): 

A Series of Seminars with SAS International Faculty” Course in March 2019! 

The purpose of the course: to improve your English language writing skills and to create an action plan for your research paper

Dates: March 12 - April 23, 2019

Time: 18.00-19.30 

Venue: 2/1 8 Marta St., School of Advanced Studies 


March 12                   

Trainer: Margret Grebowicz

Topic: Developing a long term research program: why modeling humanities on natural and social science doesn’t work and what we can do about it

March 19

Trainer:  Louis Vervoort 

Topic: Publishing articles in international (English) journals in natural sciences: 

a few good practices and tricks

March 26

Trainer:  Erika Wolf 

Topic: Journal publishing in the humanities: Selecting journals, preparing your manuscript, and responding to reviews

April 2

Trainer: Giacomo Andreoletti 

Topic: What rejections teach us and why our manuscript is not accepted. A case from international journals of analytic philosophy

April 9

Trainer: Valeria Evdash 

Topic: 3R-Workshop: Reading & wRiting about Research

April 16

Trainer: Zachary Reyna

Topic:  Early Career Publishing and Looking at a Journal from Within: a case study as assistant editor of _Political Theory_

April 23

Participants’ presentations “Action plans for your research papers”

How to apply for the course?   

• Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/e-mail address  via e-mail: 

• Write the Email Subject Line: DPR

Deadline: March 11

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate. 

Join us for the workshop for university faculty & researchers on February 26, 2019!

Topic: Reporting Verbs in Research Writing

Time: 16.00-18.00 

Venue: 23 Lenina Street    Room 209

Trainer: Anna Levenkova


This workshop will focus on reporting verbs used to incorporate citations in your research paper. The appropriate use of reporting verbs is crucial for voicing your arguments.  You will learn the differences between reporting verbs and become more confident to use a verb with the correct nuance. 

To attend the workshop, please send your application with your name/ position/university unit or institute/ e-mail address via e-mail: 

Write the Email Subject Line: 26.02.19

The Center launches the Academic Discussion Club on January 30, 2019!

The Academic Discussion Club (ADC) is a welcoming space for the university postgraduates, faculty, and researchers to discuss topical issues, discoveries, and trends of the modern scientific world. Club meetings are held every month. 

First Meeting: January 30 

Time: 18.00-20.00 

Venue: 23 Lenina Street   Room 209

Moderator: Denis V. Sharapov, PhD

2018-2019 U.S. Fulbright Scholar in Russia

Postdoctoral researcher

International Laboratory for Climate Change, Land Use, and Biodiversity

Tyumen State University

The theme of the discussion: Societal Collapse

Participants are expected to read two short and engaging texts prior to the session. Your answers to the posed questions will help guide the discussion.

1) Tainter, Joseph A. (1988). The collapse of complex societies. Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-5. 

  • What is a societal collapse?

  • What is the purpose of Tainter’s book? Do you think it is an achievable and/or useful objective?

2) Diamond, Jared M. (2005). Collapse: how societies choose to fail or succeed. New York: Viking, pp. 95-99, 107-111.

  • What is it that everyone seems to find fascinating about Easter Island?

  • What is the reason, according to Diamond, that prompted the Easter Island populations to erect the stone statues?

  • What is the sequence of events that led to the collapse of the Easter Island society?

To participate in the meeting, please send your application with your name/ position/university unit or institute/ e-mail address via e-mail:   

Write the Email Subject Line: ADC

Registration is mandatory.

Join us for the workshop for university faculty & researchers on January 16, 2019!

Topic: Can your research paper be elegant?

Time: 16.00-18.00 

Venue: 25 Lenina Street    Room 304

Trainer: Valeria Evdash


While writing a research paper in English, scholars often aim to create a concise, clear, and coherent text that is grammatically correct. However, in the pursuit of grammar accuracy, scholars often neglect different ways of expressing ideas creatively to get these ideas stuck in the reader’s mind. This workshop will present some tips on how to make an academic text elegant. During the workshop, participants will be engaged in hands-on activities aimed at employing such techniques as coordination and parallelism that will add a flash of elegance to the text and enhance the reader’s interest in the paper. 

To attend the workshop, please send your application with your name/ position/university unit or institute/ e-mail address via e-mail: 

Write the Email Subject Line: 16.01.19

Join us for the workshop on December 6, 2018!

Topic: Russian Researchers' Typical Mistakes in English Language Writing

Time: 15.00-16.30 

Venue: 25 Lenina Street     Room 304

Trainer: Denis V. Sharapov, PhD

2018-2019 U.S. Fulbright Scholar in Russia

Postdoctoral researcher

International Laboratory for Climate Change, Land Use, and Biodiversity
Tyumen State University


Today the vast majority of research papers are published in English. Would you like to publish your work in a high-ranking peer-reviewed English-language academic journal? If the answer is yes, you should know that many reviewers associate poor grammar with laziness and a lack of respect for the reader. In fact, grammatical errors may distract and confuse readers to the point where they will not finish reading your manuscript. This workshop will help improve your English writing skills by going over some common grammatical mistakes made by Russian academic writers. 

To attend the workshop, please send your application with your name/ position/university unit or institute/ e-mail address via e-mail: 

Write the Email Subject Line: 6.12.18

Join “Writing a Scientific Paper” Course in October 2018! 

Would you like to prepare a draft of a scientific article for an international journal?

“Writing a Scientific Paper” course was designed within the framework of the UK Bilateral Projects Programme Bid “Enhancing publishing activity in high impact journals within the Framework of Internationalisation of Russian Higher Education”. The course was consulted by the experts from NILE, UK.

The blended course: 72 academic hours
Dates: October 04 - December 23, 2018
F2F classes: every Thursday from 18.30 to 20.45
Venue: 23 Lenina Street Office 215 

Candidates should have:
• English Language Level – minimum: B2
• Research ready to be published
• Three articles from the selected journal you wish to get published in

How to apply for the course?   
• Write a motivation letter in English stating the rationale for your research 
• Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/ phone No/ e-mail address and motivation letter (as an attached document) via e-mail: 
• Write the Email Subject Line: WSP

Deadline: October 2nd

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate. 

Join “Strategies for Cohesion (S4C)” Course in September-October 2018! 

How can you make your text flow smoothly?

The blended course:16 academic hours (12 ac/h – workshops; 4 ac/h - independent work)

Dates: September 10 - October 7, 2018

F2F classes: every Tuesday from 18.30 to 20.45

Venue: 23 Lenina Street Office 215 


  • Language Flow

  • Adding clarity and style 

  • Linking Strategies

  • Paragraph and Sentence Development

Candidates should have:

  • English Language Level: Pre-Intermediate + 

How to apply for the course?

  • Send your application with your name/ position/university unit or institute/e-mail address via e-mail:   

  • Write the Email Subject Line: S4C

Deadline: September 7th

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate. 

Join “Strategies for Cohesion (S4C)” Course in May-June 2018! 

How can you make your text flow smoothly?

The course is 10 ac/h (7 ac/h – workshops; 3 ac/h - independent work)

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate. 


May 22nd, 18.30-20.15 - Connecting ideas logically

May 29th,  18.30-20.15 - Using or avoiding transition words

June 5th,   18.30-20.15 - Adding clarity and style 

Venue: 23 Lenina Street   Office 215

Candidates should have:

English Language Level: Pre-Intermediate + 

How to apply for the course?

• Send your application  with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/ e-mail address via e-mail:   

• Write the Email Subject Line: S4C

Deadline: May 21st

NB. If you want to participate only in one or two workshops, you can send your application via the same e-mail; in the subject line write the date of the workshop, e.g. 22.05. 

Join “Writing a Scientific Paper” Course in April 2018! 

Would you like to prepare a draft of a scientific article for an international journal?

“Writing a Scientific Paper” course was designed within the framework of the UK Bilateral Projects Programme Bid “Enhancing publishing activity in high impact journals within the Framework of Internationalisation of Russian Higher Education”. The course was consulted by the experts from NILE, UK.

The blended course: 72 academic hours
Dates: April 25 - June 30, 2018
F2F classes: every Wednesday from 18.30 to 20.45
Venue: 23 Lenina Street Office 215 

Candidates should have:
• English Language Level – minimum: B2
• Research ready to be published
• Three articles from the selected journal you wish to get published in

How to apply for the course?
• Write a motivation letter in English stating the rationale for your research 
• Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/ phone No/ e-mail address and motivation letter (as an attached document) via e-mail: 
• Write the Email Subject Line: Writing a Scientific Paper

Deadline: April 23rd

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate. 

Join us for the workshop for university faculty & researchers on April 11:

Topic: Paragraph Writing Strategies

The trainer: Ania Bailey, Head of Centre for English Language and Communication, Aston University, Birmingham (UK)

Time: 16.00-19.00

Venue: 23 Lenina Street   Room 501

Join “Writing a Scientific Paper” Course in January 2018! 

Would you like to prepare a draft of a scientific article for an international journal?

“Writing a Scientific Paper” course was designed within the framework of the UK Bilateral Projects Programme Bid “Enhancing publishing activity in high impact journals within the Framework of Internationalisation of Russian Higher Education”. The course was consulted by the experts from NILE, UK.

The blended course: 72 academic hours
Dates: January 22 - April 08, 2018
F2F classes - every Wednesday from 18.30 to 21.00
Venue: 23 Lenina Street Office 215 

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate

Candidates should have:
• English Language Level – minimum: B2
• Research ready to be published
• Three articles from the selected journal you wish to get published in

How to apply for the course?
• Write a motivation letter in English stating the rationale for your research 
• Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/ phone No/ e-mail address and motivation letter (as an attached document) via e-mail: 
• Write the Email Subject Line: Writing a Scientific Paper

Deadline: January 18th

Join us for the following workshops in December 2017:

The workshops focus on tiny essential details for scientific writing.
You should bring an article from the journal you wish to get published in. 

December 05th, 15.30- 17.00 -  Punctuation Tips for Scientific Writing: Part 1
December 12th, 15.30- 17.00 - Punctuation Tips for Scientific Writing: Part 2
December 19th, 15.30-17.00 -  Choosing British or American English for a Scientific Article

Join “Strategies for Paragraph Development (SPD)” Course in December! 

Would you like to improve your scientific writing skills in English?

Learning Outcomes: 
By the end of the course, you will be able to write a well-developed paragraph. 

  • Sentence Writing Strategies
  • Linking Strategies
  • Language Flow
  • Paragraph Development

Dates: December 4 - December 25, 2017
The blended course is 16 ac/h 
Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate. 

The first face-to-face class: December 7 (Thursday), from 18.30 to 20.45
The course schedule will be discussed during the first meeting.

Venue: 23 Lenina Street   Office 215

Candidates should have:
  • English Language Level: Pre-Intermediate + 

How to apply for the course?
  • Send your application  with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/ e-mail address) via e-mail:   
  • Write the Email Subject Line: SPD

Deadline: November 30th

Join us for the following workshops in November 2017: 

The workshops focus on connecting ideas in scientific writing.
You should bring an article from the journal you wish to get published in. 

November 11th, 18.30- 20.00 -  Language Flow
November 16th, 18.30- 20.00 - Transition Words: Comparison & Contrast
November 23rd, 18.30-20.00 -  Transition Words: Cause-Effect
November 30th, 18.30- 20.00 - Transition Words: Time & Space

Join us for the following workshops in October 2017: 

The workshops focus on using verbs in scientific writing.
You should bring an article from the journal you wish to get published in. 

October 12th, 18.30- 20.00 - Infinitives or Ving Forms in Scientific Writing
October 19th, 18.30- 20.00 - Active vs Passive
October 26th, 18.30-20.00 - Tenses in Scientific Writing

Join “Writing a Scientific Paper” Course in September! 

Would you like to prepare a draft of a scientific article for an international journal?

“Writing a Scientific Paper” course was designed within the framework of the UK Bilateral Projects Programme Bid “Enhancing publishing activity in high impact journals within the Framework of Internationalisation of Russian Higher Education”. The course was consulted by the experts from NILE, UK.

Dates: September 18 - December 10, 2017
The blended course is 12 weeks long.
Face- to - face classes - every Tuesday from 18.30 to 20.45

Candidates should have:
• English Language Level – minimum: B2
• Research ready to be published
• Three articles from the selected journal you wish to get published in

How to apply for the course?
• Write a motivation letter in English stating the rationale of your research 
• Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/ phone No/ e-mail address and motivation letter (as an attached document) via e-mail: 
• Write the Email Subject line: Writing a Scientific Paper

Join us for the following workshops in September 2017: 

September 13th, 15.30- 17.00 - Reading Strategies for a Scientific Paper
September 21st, 15.30- 17.00 - Summarizing Strategies for a Scientific Paper

Join 3R-SUMMER CLUB in June!

(Reading & WRiting about Research)

Total Hours: 72 academic hours

June, 29-30, July 1 – F2F (24 ac/h) 

July-August- async online learning (44 ac/h)

September – 2R-Session (WRapping-up & Reflection)   (4 ac/h)

Candidates should have:
• English Language Level – minimum: B2
• Research ready to be published 

How to apply for the course?
• Write a motivation letter in English stating the rationale for your research 
• Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/ phone No/ e-mail address and motivation letter (as an attached document) via e-mail: 
• Write the Email Subject line: 3R SUMMER CLUB

Join us for the workshops "How to Write Grant Proposals" in May 2017:

The trainer: Panda Powell, 
Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs & Research Compliance 
(University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA)

May 15      15.30-17.00
May 17      15.30-17.00
May 18      18.30-20.00

Venue: 23 Lenina Street Room 501

Join “Writing a Scientific Paper” Course in April! 

Would you like to prepare a draft of a scientific article for an international journal?

“Writing a Scientific Paper” course was designed within the framework of the UK Bilateral Projects Programme Bid “Enhancing publishing activity in high impact journals within the Framework of Internationalisation of Russian Higher Education”. The course was consulted by the experts from NILE, UK.

Dates: April 17 - June 11, 2017
The blended course is 8 weeks long: 
 Face- to - face classes - every Thursday from 18.30 to 21.00

Candidates should have:
• English Language Level – minimum: B2
• Research ready to be published 

How to apply for the course?
• Write a motivation letter in English stating the rationale for your research 
• Send your application with your name/ position / university unit or institute/ research issue/ phone No/ e-mail address and motivation letter (as an attached document) via e-mail: 
• Write the Email Subject line: Writing a Scientific Paper
• Take an English placement test (the date and time of the test will be arranged individually) 

Join us for the following workshops in April 2017:
April 13th, 18.30-20.00 - Using Commas in Scientific Writing 
April 18th, 15.30- 17.00 - Using Articles in Scientific Writing
April 20th, 15.30- 17.00 - Reading Strategies for a Scientific Article
April 26th,  18.30-20.00 -  Reading Strategies for a Scientific Article

For more details go to Services & Courses